Saturday, July 20, 2019

Biographical Writing :: Papers

Biographical Writing It started the day he moved in. My grandfather came first to get everything organized. That was when everything began to happen. It started with the door knocker. Whenever the door was opened, the knocker would hit the door and make noises. Well, the first night alone he heard the door open and close. Then, he heard footsteps walking into the kitchen and opening the refrigerator door. He heard the door close and the footsteps continued to walk around the kitchen and into the dining room. Through the dining room, they persisted into the living room and on to the basement. My grandfather searched the house top to bottom. He found no one. As he walked upstairs, he heard the footsteps again. This time, they were walking back through the house and out the front door. These footsteps were heard often. My aunts and uncles heard noises also. There was a pool table in the basement for my five uncles. They were playing one day when they heard the mysterious footsteps upstairs. Each uncle grabbed a weapon. They were armed with pool sticks, knives and bottles. They searched the house top to bottom finding nothing. As they walked back downstairs, they heard the footsteps go out the front door. My brother is the only one to have actually seen this intruder. He was five and forbidden from going downstairs because of the pool table. My mother couldn't find him anywhere so she went downstairs. She found him and asked why he was in the basement. He told her that he was talking to "the lady with the big teeth". My mother freaked thinking there was someone in the house that wasn't supposed to be there. So, one of my uncles went downstairs to see who was there. They couldn’t find any trace of anyone, but it did scare my mother badly. Part 2: My sister and I were very interested in the Ouija board. So, we borrowed a friend's board. At first we were skeptical about it

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