Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Study of Customer Preference Towards Various Stock Brokerage

RESEARCH PROPOSAL A Study of Customer Preference towards various Stock Brokerage Firms in Indore November 20, 2012 Submitted To : Submitted By : Dr. Yamini Karmarkar Dhwanil Mehta IM 2K9 36 Himanshu Patidar IM 2K9 47 Title A Study of Customer Preference towards various Stock Brokerage Firms in Indore. Index S. No. ParticularsPage No. 1INTRODUCTION03 2RESEARCH QUESTION04 3RESEARCH OBJECTIVE04 4RESEARCH METHODOLOGY05 EXPECTED OUTCOMES09 6LIMITATIONS OF RESEARCH09 Introduction This research is regarding the secondary market trading in India and its main objective is to understand customers’ preference towards stock brokerage firms in Indore. In the last decade, India’s GDP has raised from 414 billion dollar in 2001 to 1. 85 trillion dollars in 2012. This growth in size of Indian economy has been complimented by 8 fold increase in the market capitalization of the Indian companies. So people are now investing more in stock market to increase the value of their money.Capital markets are in existence in India since a long time. There are about 11 million DEMAT accounts and 1 million daily active traders in India. Indian stock market is one of the oldest stock markets in Asia with a glorious past that caters to the huge population of India and gives them investment opportunities. In 1875 Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) was established by 22 brokers. From that time onwards the Indian Stock market has grown in leaps and bounds, and has become a forceful and competent stock market in the international level.Earlier days a stock was represented by a stock certificate which was a piece of paper that was proof of your ownership. But in today’s computer age, your stock is stored electronically by your broker. This is done to make the shares easier to trade. In the past, when a person wanted to sell his shares that person physically took the certificates down to the broker. But now stocks can be purchased with a click of mouse. Definition of key terms 1. Stoc k Brokerage Firms- A brokerage firm, or simply brokerage, is a financial institution that facilitates the buying and selling of financial securities between a buyer and a seller.Brokerage firms serve a clientele of investors who trade public stocks and other securities, usually through the firm's agent stockbrokers. 2. DEMAT Account- The term â€Å"demat†, in India, refers to a dematerialized account for individual Indian citizens to trade in listed stocks or debentures in electronic form rather than paper, as required for investors by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). In a demat account, shares and securities are held electronically instead of the investor taking physical possession of certificates. 3.Trading Account- A trading account works as an intermediary between the savings account and demat account. When you want to buy shares, first the money is transferred from your savings account to trading account. 4. Consumer Preference- A consumer preference ex plains how a consumer ranks a collection of goods or services or prefers one collection over another. This definition assumes that consumers rank goods or services by the amount of satisfaction, or utility, afforded. Research Question What are the factors that influence the customer preference towards choosing a stock brokerage firm?Objectives 1. To study the factors influencing the people at the time of opening a DEMAT and Trading account. 2. To know the personal views of people regarding choices among various stock brokerage firms in Indore. Research Methodology Theoretical Framework Variables Explanatory Variables- 1. Age- This variable is used to get input of age of customers in years. 2. Income Level- This variable is used to get input of annual income level of the customers in Rupees. 3. Gender- variable is used to get input of gender of customers. Dependent Variables- . Stock-call precision- Stock-call precision is a qualitative measure of the accuracy of the advice to buy, h old, or sell the securities to gain maximum possible return according to risk beard by customer. 2. Personal assistance 3. Price charged for the services- Prices include the account(DEMAT and Trading) opening charges plus brokerage charges per transaction. 4. Location of offices- Location of offices for the convenience of the customers. 5. Brand equity of the firm. Relationship between variables Measurement Design Scales of Measurement 1.Age- Interval scale is used with 4 intervals i. e. [18-30, 31-45, 45-60, 60 plus] 2. Income Level- Interval scale is used with 5 intervals i. e. [0-3lacks, 3lacks-6lacks, 6lacks-10lacks, 10lacks plus] 3. Gender- Nominal scale is used with options â€Å"Male† and â€Å"Female†. 4. Dependent variables: Stock-call precision, Personal assistance, Price, Location of offices, and Brand equity are all measured using a 5 point Likert Scale. [Least Preferable, Somewhat Preferable, Neutral, Preferable, Most Preferable] Technique for Data Collect ion Primary data is needed to be gathered for this research.Data will be collected using questionnaire technique. Questionnaire will be filled by customers through two channels- printed hard copies and online over internet. Researcher will personally take the hard copies of questionnaire to the individual sample. Online questionnaire will be filled using various websites. Sample Description Population Population is taken to be the all the investors of Indore trading in securities and having DEMAT and Trading account in any of the stock brokerage firm located in Indore. Sample Size Sample size is taken to be 120.Sampling Technique Non-probability Quota sampling method. 20 customers of each of the top 6 brokerage firms of Indore are taken. This makes 6 quotas with 20 customers in each quota. Data Analysis Technique used for data analysis is ANOVA. Hypothesis Age of the Customer as an explanatory variable. 1. Null Hypothesis, (H0): There is no relationship between age of the customer a nd preference to the Stock-call precision. Alternate Hypothesis,(H1): There is a relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Stock-call precision. 2.Null Hypothesis, (H0): There is no relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Personal assistance. Alternate Hypothesis,(H1): There is a relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Personal assistance. 3. Null Hypothesis, (H0): There is no relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Price. Alternate Hypothesis,(H1): There is a relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Price. 4. Null Hypothesis, (H0): There is no relationship between age of the customer and preference to he Location of Offices. Alternate Hypothesis,(H1): There is a relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Location of Offices. 5. Null Hypothesis, (H0): There is no relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Brand Equity. Alternate Hypo thesis,(H1): There is a relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Brand Equity. Income of the Customer as an explanatory variable. 6. Null Hypothesis, (H0): There is no relationship between income of the customer and preference to the Stock-call precision.Alternate Hypothesis,(H1): There is a relationship between income of the customer and preference to the Stock-call precision. 7. Null Hypothesis, (H0): There is no relationship between income of the customer and preference to the Personal assistance. Alternate Hypothesis,(H1): There is a relationship between income of the customer and preference to the Personal assistance. 8. Null Hypothesis, (H0): There is no relationship between income of the customer and preference to the Price. Alternate Hypothesis,(H1): There is a relationship between income of the customer and preference to the Price. 9.Null Hypothesis, (H0): There is no relationship between income of the customer and preference to the Location of Offices . Alternate Hypothesis,(H1): There is a relationship between income of the customer and preference to the Location of Offices. 10. Null Hypothesis, (H0): There is no relationship between income of the customer and preference to the Brand Equity. Alternate Hypothesis,(H1): There is a relationship between income of the customer and preference to the Brand Equity. Expected Outcomes Age and income level of the customers have significant effect on their choices regarding brokerage firms.Limitations of the study This research might have some minor limitations because of limited sample size and the environment in which data was collected. The data analysis and findings are based on the knowledge and experience of the respondents. It is assumed that at the time of undertaking survey the best available respondent group was chosen and the responses given by each one of them was genuine. If the respondents responded to the questionnaire without any interest, attention or adequate knowledge reg arding stock market, then the conclusions drawn from this research might not become valid in real world.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Good boy

Good boy, Beau. Stay, Anna Quindlen is very descriptive in her essay. As I read the story I could visualize her dog and also sympathize with her feelings. Having had lost a dog of old age, this story really hit home. The way she describes beau's milky white eyes, the loss of his hearing, and the way his walk looks like his back legs are prosthetics. With these descriptions, the knowledge that Beau's a black lab, and the fact that he stinks, all present enough information for me to get a clear picture the dog. The descriptions Anna uses are all the same symptoms my dog, a Chihuahua, had had at 17.Anna also painted a picture in clear detail of the senses the dog lost or was losing, but also pointed out Beau's uncanny sense of smell. â€Å"The eyes are gone, but the nose is eternal. † . There were many more details in the story, but I feel as though the ones I already pointed out were enough for me to get a clear picture. The way Anna organized her story seemed to me like it was in chronological order. Anna starts her story in the present time, sheds light on the past, and then comes back to the present again. As a new writer, I'm not sure if that exactly qualifies as chronological, but I hink it is.The point I believe Anna is trying to make is to live for the day, don't dwell on the past. Anna clearly says â€Å"to measure myself not in terms of the past or future but of the present. â€Å". This statement is one of the statements that lead me to my conclusion. The sensory details that stood out to me was the sense of smell and the loss of sight. There were two things Anna said about Beau's sense of smell that stood out to me. The first was when she talked about the dogs eyes and ears going but he can still get excited over the smell of a pork roast. The second was whenAnna talked about the smell of the Oriental rug and beau. Anna was not very descriptive about the odor, but I have firsthand knowledge of that smell, I could definitely smell the odor. The other sensory detail that stood out for me was the way Anna described Beau's bad eyes. Anna really described the effects of going blind well. She talked of Beau's eyes being a milky white. â€Å"His eyes seem to gaze mysteriously inward†. Anna also said â€Å"his eyes and ears are gone.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Woman of No Importance, Final Act

Wilde uses many dramatic effects throughout the play to shock and amuse the audience and many of them can be seen in this final scene. The fact that this conversation between Mrs Arbuthnot and Lord Illingworth takes place in Mrs Arbuthnot’s house, her personal space and territory puts her at an advantage and it shows that Lord Illingworth is surrendering his usual control over his situations By Lord Illingworth referring to Mrs Arbuthnot as ‘Rachel’ we are again made aware that we are listening to two people who have a strong past relationship. She calls him ‘George Harford’ while he uses her name far less often that in the persuasive Act 2. During this scene, Lord Illingworth speaks with awareness of the legal situation, he knows he can never make Gerald legitimate but he is willing to leave him property â€Å"What more can a gentleman desire in this world? † and Mrs Arbuthnot’s response of â€Å"Nothing more, I am quite sure† turns this in to a class confrontation. When Mrs Arbuthnot says â€Å"I told you I was not interested, and I beg you to go. † this is a threat to conventional society and the audience would have been shocked by this. She treats Lord Illingworth as he once treated her, in purely financial terms and she tells him that Gerald no longer needs his money, â€Å"You come too late. My son has no need of you. You are not necessary. † She then goes on to explain to him that Gerald and Hester are in love and they don’t need his money because Hester already has money of her own. Lord Illingworth asks where they will go and Mrs Arbuthnot’s reply â€Å"We will not tell you, and if you find us we will not know you. You seem surprised. What welcome would you get from the girl whose lips you tried to soil, from the boy whose life you have shamed, from the mother who dishonor comes from you? † is very melodramatic and it also relives the fact that Lord Illingworth tried to kiss Hester and this is when Gerald found out that he was his father, â€Å"Lord Illingworth you have insulted the purest thing on Gods earth†. This leaves Lord Illingworth to admit that he wants Gerald, â€Å"Rachel, I want my son. † Wilde uses many props in this scene, the main one being the letter Gerald has written to Lord Illingworth imploring him to marry his mother. The audience know what is written in the letter before Lord Illingworth does and this adds drama and tension because the audience are waiting for the big reveal and to see what happens. This letter also links back to the letter that Lord Illingworth sees in Act 2 and says â€Å"What a curious handwriting! It reminds me of the handwriting of a woman I used to know years ago. † and his dismissal of it so simply. The stage direction of ‘Mrs Arbuthnot watches him all the time’ is very important because she wants to see his reaction. Ironically his proposal of marriage after reading Gerald’s letter uses similar language to Mrs Arbuthnot’s when explaining to Gerald why she would refuse him, for her marriage would be a ‘sacrifice’ and for Lord Illingworth it would be a ‘surrender’. For Mrs Arbuthnot to say this at this point in the play would have been very uncommon for the time because the audience would be expecting a happy ending, for the fallen women to marry the father of her child or for it to end like a melodrama, in tragedy. For the first time, Mrs Arbuthnot is triumphant against Lord Illingworth with the repetition of his own words when she says, â€Å"Children begin by loving their parents. After a time they judge them. Rarely if ever do they forgive them. † Lord Illingworth is clearly surprised at this response and then resorts to cruelty. His parting speech creates an exciting climax as the censorship of the time wouldn’t allow anyone to say the word ‘bastard’ on the stage. Wilde’s stage direction of Mrs Arbuthnot’s use of the glove â€Å"Mrs Arbuthnot snatches up glove and strikes Lord Illingworth across the face with it† is a very good use of a prop because in the time this play was written a glove was a very masculine item and being hit with one was a sign of violence and confrontation. The audience is allowed a shock, due to the word about to be spoken and then they get a relief as the taboo is maintained by Mrs Arbuthnot cutting Lord Illingworth off before he can finish his sentence because she will not let him say the word because she doesn’t want to hear him say this about her beloved son. The villain is punished and Mrs Arbuthnot’s respectability is ma intained. All of this is typical of a melodrama and we the audience now feel something has been accomplished. Wilde’s use of stage directions are very well placed and are very dramatic, especially the last few lines of this scene when Mrs Arbuthnot ‘falls sobbing on the sofa’ and it reinforces that this play is a melodrama because people are not usually this dramatic in normal everyday life. Gerald and Hester now return to Mrs Arbuthnot and we have the image of ‘a man and a woman in a garden’ which has been mentioned previously throughout the play and is a sign of sex and fertility and in this scene it shows the audience the image of a new family emerging. Due to Hester having changed her views from believing that women who have children outside of the laws of marriage should be punished, â€Å"A woman who has sinned should be punished, shouldn’t she? † And that the children should also carry this shame, â€Å"Yes, it is right that the sins of the parents should be visited on the children. It is a just law. It is God’s law. † to her now saying â€Å"I was wrong. Gods law is only love. † Because she is in love with Gerald and has managed to listen and understand all of the things that Mrs Arbuthnot has had to face to bring up Gerald alone. At the end of the play when Gerald sees the glove lying on the floor Mrs Arbuthnot picks up and changes the title line of the play and once again mirrors Lord Illingworth’s statement about seeing the letter from Mrs Arbuthnot, â€Å"Oh! o one. No one in particular. A Man of no importance. † Unmarried and defiant she enters into a fresh and better world although the 19th century attitudes to marriage are still upheld in a way because even though she has won against Lord Illingworth and she has managed to keep Gerald and now has the love and respect of Hester the audience are still left with the image of them being exiled to America, where they have less strict views on illegitimacy and have more freedo m.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Art history term paper - Comparing two portrait modes Essay

Art history term paper - Comparing two portrait modes - Essay Example During the era of the roman republic, they considered it a character sign not to cover or manipulate any physical imperfections and the depiction of men particularly as unconcerned and rugged, especially unconcerned with any form of vanity. Statues with more idealism of Emperors of the Roman Empire got ubiquitous over the imperial era, especially with connection to Rome’s state religion. Tombstones, even those of the modestly well off middle class, exhibited the portraits of unknown dead relatives which were carved in relief. This paper aims to compare the bust of a man and the bust of Emperor Commodus while paying attention to the bust’s formal features, and it further, considers how and why each portrait works to idealize the sitter. The bust of Emperor Commodus and that of man are practically two contradictory artefacts. The two artefacts have distinctly varied characteristics with both possessing different styles. The bust of a man is of a veristic style while the bust of Emperor Commodus is of the Augustus style from prima porta. With each of these styles come different characteristics and representations. The bust of a man has a relation to old fashioned morality, which is a virtuous Roman concept (Fejfer, 2009 p243). Generally, the veristic style consists entirely of later life portraits of men, who more often than not are toothless and balding and consists of faces with poor aging qualities and wrinkles. The bust of a man is a perfect example of this style. The bust seems to be representative of men who are or are aging. In the Veristic style, age is taken quite seriously as it signifies and shows endurance and courage, which man has had to endure through out his life. The portraits physical qualities, whi ch follow veristic styles, are reflective of society and class, which they belong to. The pained and twisted expression on the bust of man are testimony of the similar fashion with which the civil war tore apart the society

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sociology class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sociology class - Essay Example Hence, a human being has a never ending list of roles to play in coinciding with the social groups they belong to (Ferrarte, pg 15-18). A man may be a father, a brother, and a husband at the same time. Along with this, his identity may also constitute being an African-American, middle aged, Christian, and a Masters in Philosophy, and other social categories that he may belong to include being a tennis player, a stamp collector, and a huge fan of the Beatles. Hence, the man has several roles to fulfill in his life that are part of his identity and personality and he acts differently in each role. Sociology is the study of society and social groups. Sociology aims to understand human behavior collectively in order to determine the roles that human beings hold and how these roles function in the development of society. All human behavior and all human interaction are upheld by the roles human beings play, the perceptions they hold, and the way they act. Society is formed by human behavi or and the world functions and develops through society (Ferrarte, pg 62). Shakespeare’s famous line, â€Å"All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely actors†, holds true when discussing the functioning of society. All human beings hold several roles that they play during their lifetime and their roles determine their identity. The roles that human beings play form society and vice versa. However, how do human beings understand the behavior expected of them in each role? Sociology aims and enables the understanding of human behavior and social roles. It defines the behavior and actions expected of each human being in each particular role which enables a human being to identify themselves. There are several roles that a human being plays which include gender roles, relationship roles, and professional roles. Sociology enables a human being to understand the behavior associated with their role in a societal context (Ferrarte, pg 16-32). Human beings may understand their behavior individually but may not understand what their role in society holds and how they are to use this role to influence society. Hence, unless and until they are able to understand their behavior on a collective scale, they are unable to understand their societal role and their identity within society. A person is identified in society through the roles he holds and the behavior he/she exhibits. To illustrate an example, the concept of gender roles entails identifying the traits belonging to the male or female gender or to neither. The concept of gender is the social context of a person’s sex. While sex entails describing the biological identity of a person, gender seeks to identify the sociological identity of a person. If a person inhibits the traits of being female, then her gender is female. Therefore, once a person identifies him/herself as belonging to a certain gender, he/ she then understands the roles that other genders play and how they af fect society and the individual (Ferrarte, pg 83). An example is the feminist movement, which occurred after females identified the role they played in society and how society viewed females. Hence, they learnt that the perception that society held towards females and the role that males played in this society was unfair and biased. Therefore, they aimed to collectively change this perception and the role description that was given to females by society (Wilson, pg 82). Roles

Monday, August 26, 2019

Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Language - Essay Example Furthermore, code switching is a very common behavior among multilingual speakers. Thus, policymakers on education stress that switching from one language to another may affect proficiency of the speaker as code switching limit language development of the speaker or learner (Berko-Gleason 1993). The multilingual situation in the Philippines, for instance, presents an interesting case as the country is an archipelago and is made up of many islands. English is a second language in the Philippines and about 50 percent of the population comprehend and speak English but 87 languages and dialects also exist in different islands. Some of these languages do not seem to be related to each other. Although a national language exists, government policies on the use of national language, the Filipino - an amalgamation of languages composed of both Tagalog and English - confuses the population rather than help the public become proficient in the learning of the language required in school. Tagalog is used in some subjects such as history but science subjects are mainly taught in English. The consequences of this policy are quite detrimental to those whose first language is neither Tagalog nor English. A majority of Filipinos who live in the provinces and underlying islands had to learn three languages in order to survive school and be able to find work. Many of those whose first language is not Tagalog or English are usually discriminated against in work places because of their 'accents.' Marked cultural differences also exist in terms of food, way of life, religious beliefs and many other aspects of culture. Furthermore, like other multilingual countries, the Philippine government faces challenges because of its language-learning program on multilingualism. As two languages - Tagalog and English - are used, educators are concerned that learners may not learn any of the language with greater proficiency as code switching is seen as a hindrance to achieving high-level language proficiency. Language experts argue that bilinguals and multilinguals cannot achieve similar language proficiency similar to those of monolingual speakers. Code-switching is defined as the 'utilization of two languages simultaneously or interchangeably' (Valdes-Fallis, 1977). Most experts view that speakers use two languages if 'bilingual fluency is not yet stable' (Valdes-Fallis, 1977). Speakers employ this method in order to attain two things: one is for the speaker to fill a linguistic or conceptual gap and secondly, it is for the attainment of multiple communicative functions (Gysels, 1992). In many countries and territories, code switching is avoided, but in majority of multilingual and bilingual areas of the world, it is viewed as the 'norm' (Swigart, 1992; Goyvaerts & Zembele, 1992). This is true in the Philippines, Singapore, India and Nepal where speakers usually move from one language to another to communicate. In Singapore and the Philippines (Chinese or Malay and English in Singapore, and Tagalog and English in the Philippines), the use of two languages or the mixing of both in communication and even in literature has become the norm. Views on code

Ethical Dilemmas faced by property professionals Essay

Ethical Dilemmas faced by property professionals - Essay Example The large retail development scenario given raises several issues in relation to the concept of acting professionally within the building and surveying profession. These ethical dilemmas issues include: First, in relation to the RICS ethical principle of integrity, there is the ethical question of the demolition of a group of historic buildings, which are used as small retail units by local independent shops, to replace them with a large retail development. The actual ethical dilemma arising under this situations, is the conflict between modernizing the economy of the large city through the construction of modern retail building that might attract large business, thus growing the economy of the city and creating employment for the locals on the one hand, and the morality of displacing the local independent shop owners by the large retail business on the other hand. According to the Theory of Ethics, basic rules can be applied to determine the right or wrong of an action (Dabson, Plim mer, Kenney & Waters, 2007:6). In this respect, the ethical theory is therefore highly concerned with the procedures, and thus the theory holds that the fairness or otherwise of an outcome, is judged entirely by the fairness or lack of fairness in the process (Dabson, Plimmer, Kenney & Waters, 2007:6). In this respect, the RICS Professional and Ethical Standard of integrity is evoked by the scenario, where the integrity question refers to the truthfulness and the honesty of any action that is taken (RICS, 2013:n.p.).

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing Plan for a new Product in Qatari Market Essay

Marketing Plan for a new Product in Qatari Market - Essay Example The mission statement of automobile firms defines their brand, culture, and customer experience. Since Chevrolet is a brand of the GM, it uses the mission statement of the General Motors Car Company. The mission statement of GM is backed by the following core principles: safety and quality first, create life-long customers, innovate, deliver long-term investment value, and make a positive difference. The unofficial mission statement of Chevrolet brand is â€Å"We win when the customer says we win.† In the Middle East, the Chevrolet-branded cars are a sourced from General Motors in North America, General Motors Korea in South Korea, and General Motors Holden in Australia (Gustin, 2008). Chevrolet has various vehicles. To that effect, the paper will discuss the marketing plan for Chevrolet Cruze car brand in the Qatari market. In the present scenario, the Qatari automobile market segment has now been developing in a considerable manner due to augmented demand for fuel efficient, spacious, affordable, and easy to maintain cars. According to Qatar’s Automobiles Company, by the end of this year, about 90,000 cars had been sold in Qatar with most of the vehicles being from Toyota Company. Furthermore, Rolls-Royce also realized an increase in sales by 37 percent. In the same way, most of the automobile companies recorded an increase in the number of sales. However, Bhaktavatsala (2013) notes that more than 700,000 people drive Chevrolet cars in Qatar. Chevrolet has significant market share in the automobile market. Most of the people who purchase motor vehicles in Qatar have higher disposable incomes. This implies that they have the ability to purchase the vehicles in spite of their higher prices. Most Qataris prefer to purchase vehicles that are technologically advanced, fuel efficient, stylish with modern features, and easy to maintain. Proceeding further, nobody denies that safety is one of the major concerns of customers. Almost all automobile

Saturday, August 24, 2019

MIDTERM PART 4 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MIDTERM PART 4 - Term Paper Example While racial disparities have been on the forefront in shaping America’s socio-political and socio-economic context, ethnicity has been trailing in significance. Many people readily recognize racialism at the expense of ethnicity (Watts, 2005). The battle against racism and racial confusion diminished after the second world war. During the war, Americans fought in solidarity irrespective of race, gender, and ethnicity. Racial and ethnic prejudice and biases dominated American life system thereafter. Racial intermarriages and ethnic assimilations attribute the major causes of racial and ethnic confusion. Intermarriages were because of different factors. The white skin complexion has always been associated with superiority and freedom. Such is a fact emphasised by the way pure white Americans view themselves as being superior over other mixed race or non-white Americans. The fact that veterans might have gotten raw deals after the war could have forced in them, a push towards neutralization interactions. Thus, intermarriages and assimilations came to being. Racial confusion intimidates the victims (Kwan & Speirs, 2004). Most of the victims of race and ethnic diversity often find themselves in discriminatory and intimidating scenarios. The problem is outrightly persistent and may take several decades or centuries to end. Many non-whites who had migrated to America with ambitions of getting better life deals ended up not living the American dream. They meet harsh racial environments that shattered the development of both their intellectual and practical professionalism (Spickard & Fong, 1995). During the war, however, Americans fought as a nation and not as individuals. There were utmost unity and togetherness, and no one saw a difference on the other. The unity ought to have continued among the people beyond the war period. However, the then whites-dominated government and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Surviving Infidelity in a Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Surviving Infidelity in a Marriage - Essay Example This essay will focus on critical review of two professional journal articles related to child abuse and the way counseling helps them. In the article, â€Å"Rape, statutory rape, and child abuse: legal distinctions and counselor duties† Mitchell and Rogers (2003) tries to find out the responsibility of a counselor in case of rape and child abuse. Child sexual abuse is a common phenomenon which the counselors have to face very often as they deal with school children. Child Sexual Abuse is defined as when the care taker of the child participates in or assists in forceful molestation of the child for gratification of the self. It may be seen if the legal duties are taken into consideration of the counselor there will be a lot of contradictions between the legal duties and between what the counselors ethically thinks is correct. There are a lot of differences existing in the laws regarding child sexual abuse, rape and statutory rape and it becomes difficult for the counselors to understand which cases they should report as cases of child sexual abuse. They get confused. So it is advised that the counselors are w ell aware of the laws of their particular state and should also be aware of the situations when they should report the cases to the adequate authority. It is also advised that when the counselors are confused they should take the advice of the legal authorities regarding their duties. In case the school counselors are confused about the age differences and are not very sure whether to report it as child sexual abuse or rape then they should seek the help of a concerned attorney or the child services department and accordingly should report the case formally. Child sexual abuse and child rape involves a lot of feelings like guilt, shame, depression, anger and insecurity, therefore it is must that the counselors are well equipped to deal with these issues and try to relieve the victims of all these feelings

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Designs of Heat Exchangers Essay Example for Free

Designs of Heat Exchangers Essay Heat transfer from one substance to another plays a major role in the process of some commonly use technology today. The heat transfer is done to control temperature, to heat up a cooler substance, or to cool down a hotter substance. This process is done by a machine called the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is commonly used in the space heating, in cooling of engines, refrigeration and other processes which need temperature control. They are classified according to their flow arrangement design. One is the parallel-flow design which the two substance flow from the same direction and exit at the same direction also. The other one is the counter-flow design on which the fluids flow on opposite direction. The last one is the cross-flow heat exchanger where the fluids flow perpendicular to each other (Heat Exchanger Design, Inc. 2009). Figure 1. Parallel-flow and Counter-flow Design (Engineering Edge 2009) There are also several types of heat exchangers depending on its design. Some are shell and tube heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers, Regenerative heat exchangers and many others. The shell and tube design of the heat-exchanger consists of two sets of tubes. The first set of tubes is where the cooled or heated fluid flows and on the other set of tubes is the fluid that needed to be heated or cooled. The fluids are separated by the tube’s wall. This design ensures a better protection from leakage because of the tube design. So this design is ideal for the treatment of highly pressurize fluids (Kakac Liu 2002:8). The plate heat exchanger is consisting of multiple, thin and slightly separated plates which allow a larger fluid flow area fro heat transfer. It is said to be more effective than the shell and tube design because it provides more surface area for heat transfer. Additionally, the plate heat exchangers have recent developments on its brazing and gasket that makes it practical to use than other heat exchangers. However, the plate heat exchanger is needs a lot of space and it is more susceptible to leakage (Wang, Sunden Manglik 2007). The regenerative heat exchangers are heat exchangers that make use of the heated fluid after a process to be the heating fluid for the next process. This design can be on a plate or shell and tube structure. The advantages of this type are adapted from the design it is structured. Furthermore, this design brought an economical perspective to the first two designs. On the other hand, this design is only intended for the use of gas substances as fluids (Saunders 1988). Figure 4. Regenerative Heat Exchanger (Defense Research Development Organization 2004) The adiabatic wheel heat exchanger is a machine which uses a third substance, fluid or solid, to transfer heat between the streams. The disadvantage of this design is that there will be a small mixing of the two streams in the process of heat transfer (Saunders 1988). The plate fin heat exchanger is highly used in different industries. The plate-fin heat exchangers utilize plates and finned chambers for relatively high heat transfer. It is preferred by other industries because of its ability to transfer heat with to small difference between the streams. Additionally, it has a compact design and is very lightweight (Kakac Liu 2002:17). Another type is the fluid heat exchangers. The process being done is by showering fluids to a gas stream in an upward direction. The process is used in machines that needed gas cooling and purification at the same time (Saunders 1988). Figure 6. Thermal Fluid Heat Exchanger (Thermotech Industries n. d. ) A waste heat recovery unit is a heat exchanger that recovers waste heat from other mechanism and uses it to transfer heat the fluid being heating. This design is very desirable for refineries and plants since they have an abundant amount of waste heat from their machineries. This design is very economical since waste recycled to something useful (Saunders 1988). Figure 7. Waste Heat Recovery Unit (Turner 2005) Dynamic or scraped surface heat exchangers are heat exchangers that have high maintenance cost because of the constant surface scraping. The scraping is due to the process these machines are used. Such processes are heating and cooling of high-viscosity fluids and other highly fouling substance. However, this design has a sustainable heat transfer and it avoids fouling of the surface of transfer (Saunders 1988). Figure 8. Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger (GEA Niro 2008) The phase-change heat exchangers are machines that utilizes liquid and gas phase in heat transfer. These heat exchangers either heat a liquid to boil and evaporate or cool hot gases to condense. This process is common in distillation set ups. The distillation is a process of which a liquid is heated up and cooled down to remove impurities. It is also used in power plants such as nuclear power plants and fossil fuel plants. These power plants usually use steam driven turbines to generate electricity. In which the steam came from the heat exchange between the heater and the liquid (Saunders 1988). The heat exchangers above are heat exchangers which utilizes a wall to separate the two streams of liquids. The classifications above are based on the design of which how the two streams are separated. However, there are other heat exchangers that do not use walls or separators. These are called direct contact heat exchangers. These heat exchangers use two different phases in heat transfer (Saunders 1988). Figure 9. Phase-changed Heat Exchanger (NationMaster. com 2003) There are other heat exchangers in the market today. Some of these are the multi-phase heat exchangers and spiral heat exchangers. Selecting a proper heat exchanger can be a challenging task. It requires technical knowledge about the designs since there are many factors to be taken into consideration. Some are temperature ranges, the composition of the substance to be heated and pressure limits. That is why the decision about the design is made by a computer program or an engineer. Additionally, large companies and corporations tend to design their own heat exchanger to tend to their needs (Wang, Sunden Manglik 2007). Heat exchangers are seen everywhere without you noticing that they are there. The advances in the technology of heat exchangers can produce better results for engineers, researcher and many industrialists since it will increase the efficiency of the process which common machines have today. List of References Defense Research Development Organization (2004). Mechanical Propulsion System. Technology Focus [online] available from http://www. drdo. org/pub/techfocus/oct04/welcomeoct04. html [17 April 2009] Engineering Edge. (2009). Heat Transfer. [online] available from http://www. engineersedge. com/heat_transfer/parallel_counter_flow_designs. htm [17 April 2009] GEA Niro. (2008). Preheating System. [online] available from http://www. niro. com/niro/CMSDoc. nsf/WebDoc/ndkw5y7gby [17 April 2009] Heat Exchanger Design, Inc. (2009). Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger. [online] available from http://www. hed-inc. com/shell-tube. html [17 April 2009] Kakac, S. Liu, H. (2002). Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating and Thermal Design (2nd Edition). CRC Press Linde Engineering Division (2005). Plate Fin Heat Exchangers. [online] available from http://www. linde-engineering. com/plant_components/plateheatexchanger_aluminium. php [17 April 2009] NationMaster. com (2003). Heat Exchanger. [online] available from http://www. nationmaster. com/encyclopedia/Heat-exchanger [17 April 2009] Saunders, E. A. (1988). Heat Exchanges: Selection, Design and Construction. New York: Longman Scientific and Technical Thermotech Industries (n. d. ) Products. [online] available from http://www. thermotech-finnedtubes. com/products. htm [17 April 2009] Turner, J. (2005). Making the Most of Waste Energy. Science and Technical Information- National Aeronautics Space Administration [online] available from http://www. sti. nasa. gov/tto/Spinoff2005/er_7. html [17 April 2009] Wang, L. , Sunden, B. , Manglik R. M. (2007). Plate Heat Exchangers: Design, Applications and Performance. Southamton, Boston: WIT Press

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Shooting an Elephant Literary Analysis Essay Example for Free

Shooting an Elephant Literary Analysis Essay George Orwell’s 1930 short story â€Å"Shooting an Elephant,† demonstrates the total dangers of the unlimited authority a state has and the astounding presentment of â€Å"future dystopia†. In the story, Orwell finds himself to be in an intricate situation that involves an elephant. Not only does the fate of the elephant’s life lie in Orwell’s hands, he has an audience of people behind him cheering him on, making his decision much more difficult to make. Due to the vast crowd surrounding his thoughts, Orwell kills the elephant in the end, not wanting to disappoint the people of Burma. Orwell captures the hearts of readers by revealing the struggles he has while dealing with the burden of his own beliefs and morals. Orwell’s story connects with the readers because they understand the emotions and stress one can have before making a tough decision, as well as fretting about being judged at the same time. In the beginning of his story, Orwell illustrates his position as a hated police officer. He was consistently insulted and despised by the Burmese people. The locals were always treating him poorly, but he always did his job and kept in mind their best interest. He was already somewhat of a leader in this town because of his position, but now that there is the situation with a ravaging elephant in the town, he is forced to step up and take control of the elephant. â€Å"Being the white ‘leader’, he should have been able to make an independent decision, but was influenced by the ‘natives’† (Orwell 101). Orwell has this immense pressure building up over this decision, and his emotions as â€Å"Here I was the white man with his gun, standing in front of the unarmed crowd-seemingly the leading actor of the piece; but in reality I was only an absurd puppet pushed to and fro by the will of those yellow faces behind† (101). Majority of the people in the world have been faced with a situation similar to this, taking responsibility of something that can be life changing. As Orwell demonstrates the chaos that was going on in Burma, readers can sense the feelings of what the locals are dealing with. As Orwell walks through the town to find the disasters the elephant made, he encounters the horrific scene of a dead man’s body. The elephant, which can be symbolized as a dangerous threat, imposes on the little town and deteriorates some of the Burmese foods and goods. Not only was the animal an escapee, it was also in â€Å"must†, meaning an increase in the level of aggressive behavior due to testosterone levels being high, causing the elephant to be more dangerous than ever. Because of the actions that the elephant had made, the Burmese people wanted the elephant dead under any circumstances. Feeling bad for the owner of the savaged animal, Orwell had to weigh out his options of killing the elephant. Thomas Bertonneau states, â€Å"But the elephant, of course, is well-known for its high level of intelligence, a fact which raises it out of the merely animal category; and the social structure of Burmese society under the British tends to underscore such quasi-human status. The animal is a working animal and to do work is to engage in a recognizably social activity; the animal belongs, as Orwell later discloses, to an Indian, a person below the British in the local hierarchy but above the Burmese, a person of some wealth, for the elephant is the equivalent of â€Å"a huge and costly piece of machinery† in the local economy (par. 4). Orwell recognizes the facts from both sides of this situation: (1) the elephant should be killed because of its’ violent actions, making the townspeople happy, or (2) waiting for the man who owns the elephant to get there to capture it safely and let it live. As he takes in the opinions of others, he believes he should wait for the Indian man to get there; therefore the elephant is worth much more alive than if it were dead. As the ending of the story draws to a near, Orwell is looked upon as a â€Å"hero† in the story. As he grabs the gun, the crowd roars with excitement and the fate of the elephant lies in his hands. With much regret, he shoots the elephant several times, but never actually ends his misery. Orwell takes his interpretation of storytelling to a whole new level. During Orwell’s time in Burma, he was exposed to several unethical situations, causing him to make a decision that questions his beliefs and morals. He made sure that the reader was involved into the dilemma and mindset of his world he lived in. The story is told from the experiences that Orwell had, giving his story a little more of an edge and captures the attentiveness of wanting to know more. He told the story as if it was happening to him again, allowing the reader to relive the moments as he did back then. It brought it all back to his morals, and doing what he thought was right to do.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Studies on Bioactive Tetrahydro Pyrimidine

Studies on Bioactive Tetrahydro Pyrimidine Chapter- 1 General Introduction 1 Chapter 1 General Introduction 1.1 Heterocycles in drug discovery Currently pharmaceutical manufacturing is facing many problems for research and development due to high costs and changeless existence of moieties in these days. According to research of human genome we got assumption that at least 1000 genes are involved in identified and non identified disease. For that research about 20,000 human genome had been decoded. Genetic science suggests that we have to develop 5,000-10,000 new drugs1.because these genes are linked with five and ten protein molecule. So we need to focus in development of low molecular weight drugs. The compounds must be containing specific pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties, which can show the properties of drugs. In these days scientists have many techniques to speed up the drug discovery process, like combinatorial chemistry, microwave-assisted organic synthesis, and high- throughput purification2. Actually, it is very difficult to select moiety with less molecular weight because less than 500 atomic mass unit is 10200, of which only 1060 may possess drug-like properties The proportion is one part in 1057, or roughly the ratio of the mass of one proton to the mass of the sun! The issue is therefore the selection of new molecules from this vast universe that have the potential to be biologically active3.It is important to do research work on medicinal chemistry to synthesis the biologically active bicyclic aromatic heterocycles which should be easily available commercially too. Here is the list of available bicyclic heterocycles is mainly limited to well-known nitrogen containing compounds, such as quinazolines (1), indoles Chapter- 1 General Introduction 2 (2) and benzimidazoles (3). Esatlished examples of privileged substructures include benzodiazepines (4), coumarins (5), quinoxalines (6), benzofurans (7) and benzothiophenes (8)5. In order to improve the hit rate in HTS campaigns,. This library is very helpful to develop active compound in many variety of biological assays. So many scientists have utilized these structures in such a manner. For example, Nicolau K. C. et al. constructed a library based on the benzopyran (9) privileged scaffold6, whereas Schultz P. G. et al. made use of the purine (10) scaffold7. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 3 O (9) Benzopyran N N NH N (10) Purine The benzopyran and purine privileged scaffold 1.2 Nomenclature of the fused ring system As the following chapters deal with the synthesis of bicyclic fused ring systems, its nomenclature is herewith shortly reviewed. The nomenclature follows the following rules: (1) The individual components are named without any application of fused ring system. (2) The parent component is represented in the fusion name by citing it last in the name. The parent component is the one with highest priority according to the following criteria: (a) heterocyclic compounds contains elements in ring. (b) a component containing the larger ring. (c) there are so many atoms of elements in the ring. (d) a component containing the greater variety of heteroatoms. (3) The attached component is then added as a prefix to the parent component. In the name of the prefix, the terminal e is changed to o. (4) The bonds of the parent component are indicated by a, b, c†¦starting with the bond normally occupying the 1,2 positions. The atoms of the attached component are numbered as usual, following the order of numbers in the original heterocycle. (5) The numbering of the final condensed heterocycle is carried out independently, starting at an atom adjacent to a bridged-head atom, whereby heteroatoms receive the smallest possible number. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 4 1.3 Objective:- â€Å"Synthesis and biological evaluation of 1,2,3,4 tetra hydro pyrimidines† will be done. To study the pharmacological and medicinal applicationapplication of synthesized compound. Viz;. antimicrobial, immunodilator, antituberculosis, antielergic and radioprotectves. The synthesis of (AB 101 to 145) will be achieved by acid catalysed cyclocondensation of N-(substituted)-3-oxobutanamide, substituted urea derivatives and 4-(phenoxymethyl) benzaldehyde. The products will be eliminated by spectras,. The newly synthesized compounds will be subjected to various biological activities viz., antimicrobial, anticancer etc.. The synthesis of (AB 146 to 190) will be achieved by acid catalysed cyclocondensation of N-(substitutedphenyl)-4-methyl-3-oxopentanamide, substituted urea and 4-(phenoxymethyl) benzaldehyde. The products will be analyse by spectras.The newly synthesized compounds will be subjected to various biological activities viz., antimicrobial, anticancer etc. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 5 1.4 Some Biological importance of pyrimidines and related heterocycles Recently genetical science is a vast subject of research. To study genetical science, DNA must be decoded. and we know that In the constituents of nucleic acids also pyrimidine exists in form of base. This theory helps treatment of AIDS. The discovery of pyrimidine is itself a big revolution in medical science. Some examples of pyrimidine derivatives are given below which are existing in nucleic acid. (1) reveals diabetogenic action in a number of animals8. . Chapter- 1 General Introduction 6 1.5 Medicinal significance of pyrimidines and related heterocycles. During the last 20 years, the drugs containing pyrimidine are very useful as chemotherapeutic agents . 1.5.1 Antineoplastics and anticancer agents Some other examples of pyrimidine antimetabolite are mopidamol (15)18, nimustine (16)19, raltitrexed (17)20, uramustine (18)21 and trimetrixate (19)22. 1-ÃŽ ²-D-Arabinosylcytosine (Ara-C, 20)23 . These compounds are useful in treatment of cancer and herpes virus infection.While Gemcitabine (21), is useful in the treatment of murine solid tumours24. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 8 1.5.2 Drugs for hyperthyroidism Here are the examples of drug for hyperthyroidism without side effects25. 2-Thiouracil (9c), , Propylthiouracil (9d) thiobarbital (9e) 1.5.3 Antifolates, antibacterials and antiprotozoals Chapter- 1 General Introduction 9 Chapter- 1 General Introduction 10 1.5.4 Sulfa drug 1.5.5 Antivirals and anti-AIDS Pyrimidine is containing antiviral properties also. The most popular derivative is 5-Iododeoxyuridine(IDU) (31)37. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 11 Chapter- 1 General Introduction 12 Chapter- 1 General Introduction 13 1.5.6 Antibiotics Pyrimidine are of multi functional important in medical significance they are good antibiotics also. (42), is used to prevent staphylococcal infections45. While (43), is a cytosine derivative and it is useful in treatment of mycobacteria Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria46. The other (44) and (45)45. And some wide spectrums are Puromycin (46) phleomycin (47a), bleomycin (47b) are containing the pyrimidine ring. tubercidine (48) is also antibiotic which is used as antitumour 46. Bleomycin is an effective derivative for tumor like Hodgkin’s lymphoma and disseminated testicular cancer47. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 14 1.5.7 Antifungals Very common disease found on skin, is fungal infection. But Pyrimidine derivatives are very helpful to solve this problem also because they exhibit antifungal properties also. Flucytosine (49)48 is containing fluorine. And widely strains of candida and Cryptococcus49. And for the treatment of aphthous ulceration Hexitidine50 (50) is used. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 15 1.5.8 Anthelmentics Sometime the patient body creates animal with a long thin body having no legs and no bones are called worms. they are of two types pinworms and roundworms51 .They may cause parasitic attack to body. Pyrantel pamoate (51) is a pyrimidine derivative which can depolarize . 1.5.9 Antitubercular drugs Previously only PABA was known antitubercular drug, now a days pyrimidine derivatives also popular in market like Capreomycin (52).which is made by Streptomyces capreolus and used as second-linebacteriostatic antituberculin drug 52, 53. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 16 In comparison of p-aminosalicyclic acid , Viomycin (53) is more tuberculostatic generally It isused in the treatment of experimental T.B. 1.5.10 CNS active agents Sedative/Hypnotic/Antiepileptic agents Anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic compounds are of very interest and important in medical science. They may have short time or longtime effect to act on body.54, 55 Barbiturates compound series have the needed properties to act as Anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic compounds. and secobarbital are popular as hypnotic barbiturates56 among medical science users. Hexobarbital, cyclobarbital and propallylonal are popular sedative, hypnotics57. In 1932 Eli Lilly58 was the first researcher of secbutabarbital which was introduce in market with the name of barbitone (8) in starting of twentieth century. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 17 Anxiolytic agents The depression and anxiousness of body, both action are require in the surgery science. And these two actions are psychotic disease also. Generally psychoanalysts are blessed of these pyrimidine compounds having the psychoactive properties to treat psychosis. buspirone (55), is used to settle anxiety disorders.. It acts as sedative, anticonvulsant and muscle- relaxant effects59. anxiolytic activity is a good example of our interest62. mezilamine (57) is well known as an antipsychotic agent63. Risoperidone (58) is used as antipsychotic. Effective for anti parkinsonian drug64 Pyrimidine anaesthetics Anaesthetics actions are require in the surgery science. Thimylal (59) is used for minor surgery. This compound is family member of pyrimidine.65,66. Saxitoxin (60)65 dinoflagellates so, it is pyrimidine containing natural source. Diuretics and uricosuri waste fluids, with the result that we need to urinate more often th. xanthine derivatives (61) are members of fused pyrimidine family. caffeine (61a)67, etamiphylline (61b)68, lomiphylline (61c)69, etophylline70 (61d), theophylline (61e)67 and theodrendaline (61f)71 are commanding examples of this problem. Antihypertensives pyrimidine derivatives are effective as antihypertensive also. Examples are Prazosin (64a), is member of quinozoline family, and it is ÃŽ ±1-adrenergic antagonist74, 75. Other are bunazosin (64b)76, terazosin (64c)77 and trimazosin Chapter- 1 General Introduction 19 (64d)78, ketanserin (65)79 and serotonin-S2 is receptor. It is a triaminopyrimidine derivative, minoxidil (66), can be considered similar to Prazosin,by means of action. These drugs are hopeful in treatment of alopecia, male baldness80. More examples of antihypertensives81, 82. Alfuzocin (67)81, is as effective as urapidil (68)82 ,prescribes for urinary obstruction of prostate hyperplasia. Vasodilators This drugs are highly require and demanding in the fast life the cases of cardiovascular disorder are increasing day by day .in activity of daily life patient is attacked by Parkinson’s syndrome in some cases. For this disease xanthine derivatives are used in broad level. cardiovascular disorders83. xantinol nicotinate84 (70b), containing value of nicotinic acid is helpful to support vascular disorders and pimephylline (70a) and pyridophylline85 (70c). A new dopamine stimulant, pirebidil (71)86 is used in ADL( Activity of DailyLiving) for the patient of Parkinsonâ€℠¢s syndrome. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 20 Cardiotonics/Bronchodialators Bronchitis is an illness like a very bad cough,in which our bronchial tubes become sore and infected. Important pyrimidine derivatives acting as drugs are : xanthine derivatives theophylline (61e), aminophylline (72a)87 andproxyphylline (72b)87. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 21 1.5.12 Antihistaminic pyrimidines Histamine affects directly to central nervous system. This is very sensitive to our body and needed to cure very sharply. Low or higher dose of the medicine may cause dangerous effect to body.Taziphylline (73) is more effective than astemizole and terfenadine88. Other example is temelastine (73a)89. With reference of Radiolabelled studies it came to know that it does not penetrate the Central nervous system. while Icotidine (73b), lacks Central nervous system (CNS) activity. It is working effectively on both H1 and H2 receptors90. Pemirolast (74)91, is used for severe asthma and proved best pyrimidine derivative. piprinhydrinate (75)92 is also good medicine having pyrimidine. 1.5.13 Analgesics and NSAID drugs Most common problems are seemed in human being are alcoholism and diabetes mellitus .for these different problems many pyrimidine derivatives are being used like Acetiamine (76a)93, bentiamine (76b)93 and Chapter- 1 General Introduction 22 fursultiamine (76c)94 which are lipid-soluble forms of thiamine (vitamin B1) For lower back pain patients Afloqualone (77)95 is the best anti-inflammatory medicine. Epirazole (78)96 and Proquazone (81)99are proved better medicine because of Nonsteroidal character (anti-inflammatory drugs), Ademetionine (79)97 is basic drug of glucosamine and chondroitin therapy. Octotiamine (80)98, is derivative of vitamin B1. Chapter- 1 General Introduction 23 1.5.14 Metabolic electrolytes In metabolic therapy a pyrimidine derivative Orotic acid (82)100 is useful. To prevent heart failure of patient orate is best to synthesize pyrimidine nucleotides biologically in body as they are main constituents of DNA and RNA. . Chapter- 1 General Introduction 24 1.6 Conclusion

Monday, August 19, 2019

Dahmers Confession :: essays research papers

On Wed., 7-24-91, I, Det. KENNEDY on Squad 126, while interviewing the suspect in this offense, that being one Jeffrey L.. DAHMER, spoke to him in regards to the fact that he had knowledge to whether or not the acts he was comitting were right or wrong. At this time, Mr. DAHMER stated that he was fully aware that the acts he was colTiflitting were wrong and that he feels horrified that he was able to carry out such an offense. He stated that it is obvious that he realized that they were wrong because he went to great time and expense to try to cover up his crimes. He stated that he used quite a bit of caution by setting up alarm systems in his apartment, that being In the outer door, the sliding door leading to his hallway bathroom and bedroom, and his bedroom door. He stated that he set up a fake video camera and told other homosexuals that he had brought to his apartment that it automatically turned on if his door opened up without the alarm being turned off. He stated that this was all done in order to keep people from entering into his apartment and discovering the evidence of his criminal act. He also stated that he drank excessively to try to forget the nlghtmre he felt he was living as he remembered the horror of some of the acts that he performed. He stated that he is deeply remorseful now for what he had done and wished that he had never started. He stated that he is not sure why he started committing these offenses and feels that in order to make restitution to the families of those he has killed, that he would like to help the police In any way that he can by trying to identify his victims. Report dictated by Oct. Patrick KENNEDY. PK/rc 7-24-91 On Tuesday, 07-23-91, I, Detective KENNEDY, of Squad 126, while investigating the above incident and filing reports down on the 4th fi., of the CIB, was given a message, by the head jailer in LUCAD, that the suspect in this offense, one Jeffrey_DAHMER, had requested to speak with me again. At this time I proceeded to the 5th fl., LUCAD lock up, where I went to the cell, where DAHMER, the suspect was sitting. At this time I asked if he had in fact requested to see me again, and he stated "yes I did". Dahmers Confession :: essays research papers On Wed., 7-24-91, I, Det. KENNEDY on Squad 126, while interviewing the suspect in this offense, that being one Jeffrey L.. DAHMER, spoke to him in regards to the fact that he had knowledge to whether or not the acts he was comitting were right or wrong. At this time, Mr. DAHMER stated that he was fully aware that the acts he was colTiflitting were wrong and that he feels horrified that he was able to carry out such an offense. He stated that it is obvious that he realized that they were wrong because he went to great time and expense to try to cover up his crimes. He stated that he used quite a bit of caution by setting up alarm systems in his apartment, that being In the outer door, the sliding door leading to his hallway bathroom and bedroom, and his bedroom door. He stated that he set up a fake video camera and told other homosexuals that he had brought to his apartment that it automatically turned on if his door opened up without the alarm being turned off. He stated that this was all done in order to keep people from entering into his apartment and discovering the evidence of his criminal act. He also stated that he drank excessively to try to forget the nlghtmre he felt he was living as he remembered the horror of some of the acts that he performed. He stated that he is deeply remorseful now for what he had done and wished that he had never started. He stated that he is not sure why he started committing these offenses and feels that in order to make restitution to the families of those he has killed, that he would like to help the police In any way that he can by trying to identify his victims. Report dictated by Oct. Patrick KENNEDY. PK/rc 7-24-91 On Tuesday, 07-23-91, I, Detective KENNEDY, of Squad 126, while investigating the above incident and filing reports down on the 4th fi., of the CIB, was given a message, by the head jailer in LUCAD, that the suspect in this offense, one Jeffrey_DAHMER, had requested to speak with me again. At this time I proceeded to the 5th fl., LUCAD lock up, where I went to the cell, where DAHMER, the suspect was sitting. At this time I asked if he had in fact requested to see me again, and he stated "yes I did".

German Management System :: essays research papers

German management, as it has evolved over the centuries and has established itself since World War II, has a distinct style and culture. Like so many things German, it goes back to the medieval guild and merchant tradition, but it also has a sense of the future and of the long term. The German style of competition is rigorous but not ruinous. Although companies might compete for the same general market, as Daimler-Benz and BMW do, they generally seek market share rather than market domination. Many compete for a specific niche. German companies despise price competition. Instead, they engage in what German managers describe as Leistungswettbewerb, competition on the basis of excellence in their products and services. They compete on a price basis only when it is necessary, as in the sale of bulk materials like chemicals or steel. The German manager concentrates intensely on two objectives: product quality and product service. He wants his company to be the best, and he wants it to have the best products. The manager and his entire team are strongly product oriented, confident that a good product will sell itself. But the manager also places a high premium on customer satisfaction, and Germans are ready to style a product to suit a customer's wishes. The watchwords for most German managers and companies are quality, responsiveness, dedication, and follow-up. Product orientation usually also means production orientation. Most German managers, even at senior levels, know their production lines. They follow production methods closely and know their shop floors intimately. They cannot understand managers in the United States who want only to see financial statements and "the bottom line" rather than inspect a plant's production processes. A German manager believes deeply that a good-quality production line and a good-quality product will do more for the bottom line than anything else. Relations between German managers and workers are often close, because they believe that they are working together to create a good product. If there is a third objective beyond quality and service, it is cooperation--or at least coordination--with government. German industry works closely with government. German management is sensitive to government standards, government policies, and government regulations. Virtually all German products are subject to norms--the German Industrial Norms (Deutsche Industrie Normen--DIN)--established through consultation between industry and government but with strong inputs from the management associations, chambers of commerce, and trade unions. As a result of these practices, the concept of private initiative operating within a public framework lies firmly imbedded in the consciousness of German managers.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Rainmaker by John Grisham :: The Rainmaker John Grisham

The Rainmaker by John Grisham    The world is full of great novels. From Sherlock Holmes to the three musketeers. As the years progress more novels are written and more money is made. John Grisham is a rising star in literature. His books have enticed readers and has given the people something good to read. What makes his books great is that they are so realistic. He applies his personal law and trial knowledge into the books he writes. What it is about ? It was his last semester of law school. Rudy Baylor was assigned to give free advice to a group of seniors. It is at that very time, and that very place, that Rudy encounters his first true clients. Dot and Buddy Black. They have been robbed by a powerful insurance company. A company with millions of dollars in assets. They have caused the suffering of a young man. They have ruined his chances to live by not issuing their coverage that they were obligated to give. Donny Ray, son of Dot and Buddy is dying of Lukemia, he is going to die, his chances for survival are over and it is a matter of months. Rudy does’nt realize the case that has fallen into his lap until phone calls are made. There is a great problem, however, Rudy is broke, he hasn’t even passed his bar exam yet. And will go head to head with one of America’s most experienced and accomplished defense attorney’s. From the beginning of the novel to the last word, Rudy is plagued with a series of mishaps and problems. When something looks bright the clouds come in and ruin the hope. Rudy is in Luck. As the big trial begins, he is given a judge that is definetly on his side and 12 jury members that think the same way that he does. After researching great benefit, the insurance company, Rudy discovers cover ups by the company. He also discovers Great Benefits harsh way in getting rid of their numerous mistakes. n How it relates to your audience The Trial Obviously Rudy is not stupid. He enters all the facts he has discovered and uses them to help solidify his p osition in the minds of the jurors As the trial goes on Rudy is given another problem. A beaten girl is discovered by Rudy at the hospital during his studying.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Twilight Saga 5: Midnight Sun 14. Plans

Coasting down the sweeping drive, I was reveling in the scent that was still lingering in the car. When I pulled up to the garage I saw Jasper and Emmett fooling around and wrestling outside. Instead of leaving the vehicle I took another breath. The aroma was intoxicating. Jasper turned to stare at me after he was immersed immediately in undulations of love, like a sponge absorbing water. My intense love was flowing through me as if there were blood flowing through my veins again. Each second, Jasper was being saturated in my bliss. He shook his head in absolute fascination at my involvement with the human girl that was swiftly taking over my existence. I rolled my eyes at him, ignoring his preconceived notions. He turned back to Emmett, grabbing his wrist and swinging him over his shoulder while Emmett landed with a loud thud on the ground. â€Å"I'm going to get you for that,† Emmett grabbed at Jaspers ankle, bringing him down to the ground, another loud thud issued through the small clearing. They both jumped up and began beating on each other. Watching the pair of them brawl was always amusing to me because Jasper would use moves that Emmett had never imagined before and Emmett would ultimately be defeated. Though he was tremendously sturdy, Jasper had familiarity in fighting particularly strong vampires. Their grappling continued while Jasper attempted to throw Emmett down, which eventually worked, but fighting with Emmett reminded me of a human trying to wrestle a piano up the stairs. Dammit! Where does he come up with those moves?Emmett rumbled. Jasper was chuckling in a patronizing tone at Emmett's indistinct muttering. I couldn't help but snicker right along with him. He's in a better mood. â€Å"Hey, wanna wrestle, bro?†Emmet smiled at the thought. â€Å"Emmett,† I tried to stifle my chuckle. â€Å"You know that you will just get angry because I will hear what move you are going to make!† I said in good spirits. Whatever, Edward! Emmett replied sarcastically. His lip curved up in a menacing way and in the next instant he visualized tackling me. He flashed towards me, and in that second I bounded up and on his back, ready for the attack. A few choice curse words exited his mouth. Snickering, I leapt off his back and continued walking towards the house, Jasper's loud guffaws continued echoing through the forest. â€Å"It's so unfair, you know?† Emmett complained. I am beginning to see why Alice likes this human girl so much, Edward is not brooding anymore, Jasper hit Emmett with a small pine tree. Thwack. â€Å"Ahhhh,† Emmett shouted while running full force toward Jasper like a train going full speed. Thwack. Emmett laid on the ground, giving up. Jasper chuckled. I threw them a quick smile over my shoulder before entering the house. â€Å"I bet he won't bring her back,† Jasper said to Emmett, knowing I could still hear. I grimaced. â€Å"What's on the table?† Emmett chuckled. â€Å"I won't use my abilities during our next three football games,† Jasper said, grinning. â€Å"Yeah, no more warm fuzzy feelings about how precious the pig skin football is!† Emmett agreed. â€Å"And if you lose, Emmett?† Jasper continued. â€Å"I won't say another word about that incident in Alaska†¦you remember, don't you?† Emmett retorted with a smile in his voice. â€Å"You're on!† Jasper exclaimed. This was apparently the second bet Jasper had made today, though I never understood why he would bet against Alice. I continued to be in better spirits regardless of the banter between Emmett and Jasper and no doubt it was due to the exceptionally delicate girl, Bella. I saw Alice and Rosalie working on their fashion line when I walked inside and they both looked up. Rosalie was finally starting to rein in most of her frustrations. Alice flitted toward me. Can I meet Bella now? Please! I just found the perfect dress for her to wear. Seriously, have you seen the girl's wardrobe? She needs help! Alice's vision of Bella and her, arms around each other's waist, once more flickered in her mind. There was something new there, though, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. â€Å"Alice, please, not now,† I pleaded. Her bottom lip puckered out and she frowned. â€Å"I'm sorry, Alice. I just don't think I am ready.† Or I'm not willing to share her when I just so recently obtained her, I thought dubiously. It will happen, Edward. I love her and you can't keep her to yourself forever!Alice's lower lip was still protruding. She marched away from me and began working with Rosalie again. Pig,Rosalie snapped. At least her thoughts were becoming less insulting. When I entered my room I placed a classical CD in the player, trying to drive my thoughts away from the brown-eyed girl that was always at the forefront of my mind. Instead of listening to the intricate workings of the master piece I was listening to all I could think about is how Bella's heart sounded strangely like the melody flowing from the violin in the background, or how her voice sounded like some musical ballad that no instrument would ever be able to duplicate. Or how the rhythm of her pulse was perfectly harmonious with her very soul. An hour had elapsed and no matter how relentlessly I tried, all I could imagine was her magnificent bouquet, her blushing cheeks or her continuous, melody like heart pumping her soul with life. I was in dispute with myself about going to see her. Each grueling minute was passing at a snail's pace as I sat on my couch, yearning to be close to her. It wasn't long before I lost my internal argument, though; I sprang out my window and proceeded in the direction of Bella's. There he goes again, Emmett saw me through the window. When I arrived outside her house, Billy and Jacob Black were still there. I began searching their thoughts, hoping I hadn't missed something important. Jacob's thoughts were very irritating. He couldn't keep his eyes off Bella but his thoughts were not like Mike's; he put Bella on a pedestal in his mind and respected her. Regardless, I was still not happy about the way he fantasized her. The Blacks were about to depart and I was able to listen in on them with no difficulty, easily probing their minds for information, secretly unlocking more of Bella's thoughts by spying on her. Here I was, being the vampire stalker again, like a falcon searching for prey. â€Å"Are you and your friends coming back to the beach soon?† Jacob asked, excited. I really hope so†¦I think Bella likes me. Man, she is so good-looking! â€Å"I'm not sure,† Bella sidestepped Jacob's question. Dang, I hope she comes to the reservation soon. I had a good time with her last time she was there. I think she likes me, too. She was flirting with me†¦ I think.Jacob was picturing them strolling on the beach together. I clenched my teeth tight enough to cut steel, I was so annoyed. Yes, I was undeniably aggravated. Abruptly my mood was lightened when I saw how Bella was trying to flirt with Jacob in his memory. I suddenly couldn't suppress a laugh that came through my still clenched teeth when I saw how Bella was attempting to flirt. She truly had no idea what she did to the males around her, how her light flick of her lashes brought some boys to their knees, begging to go out with her. Unexpectedly, I felt sorry for the child. It couldn't possibly be his fault that she was entirely unaware to her exquisiteness. â€Å"That was fun, Charlie,† Billy said, though his thoughts were elsewhere. I can't believe I didn't get the opportunity to tell Charlie about Edward! Next time†¦ So, Billy did recognize me earlier. He probably weaved an intricate thread of lies into Bella's head. His recollection of his histories was more involved than I realized, but still, his opinions are based solely on half-truths. â€Å"Come up for the next game,† Charlie encouraged. â€Å"Sure, sure,† Billy said. â€Å"We'll be here. Have a good night.† He suddenly looked at Bella. I'm going to have a talk with her about this Cullen business. â€Å"You take care, Bella,† he added gravely. Billy had every right to be concerned about Bella. She was hanging around a vampire†¦ for fun; what's more perilous than that? And not just any vampire; the one who hungered after her blood above all others of his kind. Though Bella's mind is cut off to my extraordinary gift, one thing was still certain: she was absolutely unique. â€Å"Thanks,† she mumbled and then looked away. She didn't look incredibly pleased with Billy and without thinking about it, once again I tried to penetrate the solid wall surrounding her thoughts. Nothing, silence. So, instead, I was now observing Bella via Charlie's mind which was quite tedious at times considering his thoughts were sometimes non-existent and his human eyes were weak. I saw the back of Bella's head through his cloudy human vision as she began walking towards the stairs. Charlie hurriedly called out to her. â€Å"Wait, Bella.† She jerked slightly and turned around warily. She had a severe look on her face, or maybe it was a look of guilt†¦shame? Hum, I really hope I hadn't missed anything for the short period of time that I was gone. What could she possibly be feeling guilty about? Again, I was chastising myself for not just giving up my hopeless effort to stay away from her. There was something I missed and now I was regretting my absence. â€Å"I didn't get a chance to talk to you tonight. How was your day?† Charlie inquired. â€Å"Good,† Bella said, still hesitating on the stairs. It looked like she was in deep thought and once again I was perturbed by the lack of thoughts emitting from her. What could possibly be going through that curious mind of hers? I tried to probe her mind once more, just to check, before I reached the silent and impenetrable barrier that was always there. â€Å"My badminton team won all four games,† she said dubiously. I immediately remembered her hitting the net, herself, and Mike in one swing. Now that I knew she was all right, I laughed loudly. The poor girl really was the clumsiest creature I had ever known. She seriously had the grace of a drunk sailor playing golf. â€Å"Wow, I didn't know you could play badminton!† Charlie exclaimed. Four games? Wow. I'm impressed. I laughed even louder at the fact that he thought she was the reason why the team won. Charlie was truly taken aback and had every right to be according to her statement. â€Å"Well, actually I can't, but my partner is really good,† she admitted with chagrin. Oh. I should have known better. â€Å"Who is it?† he insisted. â€Å"Um†¦Ã¢â‚¬  she hesitated. â€Å"†¦Mike Newton.† Jealousy ripped at me. This new emotion was masterfully working its way into my daily routine and continuing to aggravate me. She didn't like him, it was obvious, yet every time they talked or I had to listen to his every fantasy, the little green monster grew to another size. â€Å"Oh yeah ?C you said you were friends with the Newton kid. Nice family. Why didn't you ask him to the dance this weekend?† Charlie was smiling now and his thoughts were wistful. There it was again, the now larger green monster tugging at my heart, making me want to bring my previous ‘torture Mike' fantasies to reality. Blow torches came to mind. â€Å"Dad!† Bella groaned, snapping me out of my unhealthy fantasy. â€Å"He's kind of dating my friend Jessica. Besides, you know I can't dance.† â€Å"Oh, yeah,† Charlie muttered, disappointed. â€Å"So I guess it's good you'll be gone Saturday†¦ I've made plans to go fishing with the guys from the station. The weather's supposed to be real warm. But if you wanted to put your trip off till someone could go with you, I'd stay home. I know I leave you here alone too much.† â€Å"Dad, you're doing a great job.† Bella smiled at him and I saw a sign of relief in her eyes. What was she so relieved about? Why wasn't she telling him she would be with me that day? Even if we weren't going to Seattle, as long as he knew she was with me†¦I'd have to bring her back. If she doesn't†¦No. Stop there. â€Å"I've never minded being alone ?C I'm too much like you.† She winked at him, a sign of trust. She went upstairs after that and I could hear her preparing for bed. As soon as she was asleep I would be in her room again, watching over her as her vampire protector. Bella slept very peacefully that night. I was sitting in my usual spot and taking pleasure in the delectable fragrance that was now engrained in my mind forever. Each breath sent flames down my throat, but it was somewhat pleasurable, too. I was hoping that with each painful gulp of air I would eventually become immune to her scent. Deep down, I was still mildly worried that I wouldn't stay in control for long when I had her alone in the far away meadow. I took in another breath and it was like swallowing daggers, but it was almost a good pain, a sweet pain. After several hours, the scent started to feel less agonizing and much sweeter. I was grateful that it was becoming easier to be around her. If I were to be away from her for any period of time I would be afraid I would have to start all over again. I sighed. I was just giving myself excuses to never leave her. Tonight, I ventured towards her pile of books. Along with Shakespeare there were other classics. Her copy of Wuthering Heights was torn to pieces. Going through the small pile next to her bed, I learned that she still had several surprises up her sleeves. She was, undoubtedly, the most original and unordinary teenager I had ever met. When dawn broke across the night sky, I decided I needed to leave before Charlie woke up. Darting through the misty forest, I was whizzing past trees at a lethal speed. The air from the night was moving rapidly past me and my throat was still burning from her magnificent fragrance. I was thinking about hunting prior to Saturday so that I would be prepared before I was with her in the meadow†¦ alone. Me and her delicate soul alone ?C no thoughts, no nosy vampires – just me and her in the riveting meadow. The monster was too tightly bound and needed a release. Just a small ounce of prevention ?C inadequate though I knew it would be. When I arrived at home Alice was waiting for me, already in on the plan. Let's go this afternoon!She beamed at me. Her eyes were twinkling and she couldn't suppress her radiant smile. I soon saw why she wanted to go hunting with me so badly. Her vision was clear; she would be introduced to Bella today. Even though the meeting would be quick and last a few seconds, she was elated. â€Å"Is that the only reason you want to go hunting with me?† I raised an eyebrow in disbelief. Of course not, silly! I don't want you to hurt her, Edward. Hunting before you see Bella is a great idea. You could use my company, too. I can tell it bothers you that you don't have the greatest self-control, and I am used to it with Jasper. I understand. â€Å"Okay, but you better be good! Don't thrust yourself on Bella. I don't want to scare her off.† I paused for a moment before adding, â€Å"even though she probably needs a good dose of fear.† I frowned. Alice just grinned widely and scampered off into the house as she sang joyfully in her mind about meeting her new best friend. â€Å"I mean it!† I shouted. I washed up, jumped into my Volvo and hurried back to Bella's, pulling into the driveway as soon as Charlie was gone. Bella ran out of the house quickly, and this time she didn't hesitate before she got into the car eagerly. Her hair was shiny and smelled like strawberries, a strong whiff of it hit me as she shut the car door. As soon as the door was shut, her aroma swam around my nose. I was beginning to enjoy her scent, embracing it instead of cringing away from it. No mistakes. As soon as I saw her smiling face and recognized that she was pleased to see me, too, I couldn't help but smile back at her, it was an automatic response. â€Å"How did you sleep?† I asked. I knew she slept well. I kept watch over her all night. She didn't even speak. It must have been a dreamless night for her. â€Å"Fine, how was your night?† She smiled wider. â€Å"Pleasant.† I was thinking about how Bella had another suitor she didn't want, Jacob Black. She said yes to me. I couldn't help but feel euphoric. She looked at me and her eyes were so warm and inviting. Her hot, delicious breath surrounded me and I just wanted to tell her how much I loved her. Couldn't she tell? It must be obviously splayed across my face. I took in the air between us. Mouth-watering; there were no other words to describe it. â€Å"Can I ask what you did?† she inquired with a smirk. She wanted to know what I was doing last night. Did she really care what I did, or was she just being polite? No, she did think about me. She even thinks that her feelings for me overshadow my own. She couldn't comprehend the mere complexity of my love for her. She didn't realize how lucky I really was. â€Å"No, today is still mine,† I said. She looked at me in disbelief and kitten outrage. Today I had a brand new list of questions to ask her. I asked her about Renee, her hobbies, and what the two of them did in their free time together. I wanted to know about her grandparents, even her school friends. Every thought I unlocked was like opening a door to a new world. During our lunch break together, I remembered I wanted to know more about her past relationships; or not, actually, but I still had to know her complete story. My lips moved and freed the question before I gave them permission to do so. She looked embarrassed and I watched as her face went from her lovely white and slowly began to flush pink. The flood of blood up to her face made me bite down on my cheek. Her flush was utterly stunning, and delectable. My surprise kept the monster at bay as the realization of the fact that she had never chosen anyone before me hit. Were we dating? Is that what this is called?It was hard to believe that she didn't have someone in the past. Every male she has come across has had to mentally remind themselves to put their tongues back in their mouths. They flock to her. Did she say no to every one of them, even before me? She said yes to me, I reminded myself. â€Å"So, you never met anyone you wanted?† I asked. â€Å"Not in Phoenix,† she answered, blushing again. What are you thinking? My lips pressed together into a hard line. I watched her across the cafeteria table as she took a bite of her bagel. Human food did look utterly disgusting. What does Edward see in Bella? She isn't even pretty, Jessica glared at her. I wanted to shield Bella from her thoughts, but at that moment I remembered my hunting trip. â€Å"I should have let you drive yourself today.† â€Å"Why?† she demanded. She looked confused. â€Å"I'm leaving with Alice after lunch,† I said She blinked, â€Å"Oh.† She looked disappointed and then said, â€Å"That's okay; it's not that far of a walk.† What? She couldn't be serious. After all this time did she not think of me as a gentleman? I would never make her walk. I was frowning. â€Å"I'm not going to make you walk home. We'll go get your truck and leave it here for you.† â€Å"I don't have my key with me,† she sighed. â€Å"I really don't mind walking.† She looked upset then. What are you thinking now? This was getting exasperating. I shook my head. I know where the key is, Edward, Alice's thoughts chimed in. â€Å"Your truck will be here, and the key will be in the ignition ?C unless you're afraid someone might steal it.† I laughed. Who would want to steal that truck? If someone did I would hunt them down. â€Å"All right,† she agreed. She pursed her lips like she was thinking hard and I could almost see a hint of a challenge. I smirked at the thought. Having a psychic as a little sister had its advantages. â€Å"So where are you going?† she asked casually. â€Å"Hunting,† I answered grimly. â€Å"If I'm going to be alone with you tomorrow, I'm going to take whatever precautions I can.† Run, Bella, run! Stay, Bella, stay, I was pleading silently. I had to give Bella the choice. It had to be her choice, always. â€Å"You can always cancel, you know.† She looked down and I was frustrated because I couldn't see her face. â€Å"No,† she whispered and looked up at me again. â€Å"I can't.† She can't? I sighed mentally and realized that I couldn't cancel either. â€Å"Perhaps you're right.† She changed the subject, â€Å"What time will I see you tomorrow?† she asked. She looked upset. Had I said something to upset her? Exasperating, not knowing her thoughts was purely frustrating. Did some god send this wonderful creature here to drive me mad? Hoping I hadn't upset her I answered, â€Å"That depends†¦ it's Saturday, don't you want to sleep in?† I offered. â€Å"No!† she answered quickly. I almost felt my heart restart after 80 years of being still. She didn't want to sleep in because she wanted to be with me. I tried my best to suppress a smile so she wouldn't be able to tell how pleased this actually made me. â€Å"The same time as usual, then,† I decided. Then I wondered about Charlie. She didn't tell him that she was going with me, I speculated how she was going to explain me showing up at her house, â€Å"Will Charlie be there?† Her eyes grew tight and she said, â€Å"No, he's fishing tomorrow.† She seemed enormously pleased about something. I thought about taking her and never bringing her back. Stop! That fantasy, above all the rest, should be the one I would will myself to never think. Didn't she want me to bring her back? I was feeling frustrated and my voice came out a little sharper then I meant, â€Å"And if you don't come home, what will he think?† She looked at me like she was prepared to answer this question, â€Å"I have no idea, he knows I've been meaning to do the laundry. Maybe he'll think I fell in the washer.† She was tempting me to seize her and run for it! I scowled at her and she attempted to be angry by scowling back. Just like always, she was just a vicious kitten. She scowled at me for a few more moments and then her expression changed. She looked thoughtful. What was she thinking now? â€Å"What are you hunting tonight?† she inquired like she was asking me to pass the salt. It was so causal, like she was asking about the weather or what was on TV. â€Å"Whatever we find in the park. We aren't going far.† I mused. â€Å"Why are you going with Alice?† she asked with obvious curiosity. I considered this for a moment. She talked about my clandestine existence like it was normal. I mulled things over; how to tell her that it was Alice that was going because most of my family members were†¦ un-approving of my newly found obsession with a human girl. â€Å"She is the most†¦ supportive.† I frowned, thinking about her visions of vampire Bella. You know it is because I am your favorite sister. Alice thought. Great, she was listening. Bella looked up at me with her beautiful chocolate eyes, â€Å"And the others?† she asked apprehensively, â€Å"What are they?† Pissed off that is what we are. Rosalie thought. Emmet looked at Rosalie then and followed her stare. I try to rein her in bro, but she is feisty. That's Rosalie for ya. Emmett thought. I wrinkled my brow and replied the best way I could without hurting her feelings, â€Å"Incredulous, for the most part.† I watched her gaze go from my face to over her shoulder. I watched my family with disbelief. They were staring off in different directions, acting like they weren't listening. I couldn't be so lucky. â€Å"They don't like me,† she guessed. She wouldn't think that Edward if you would introduce us. You know Bella and I are going to be best friends. You know how much I love her. Alice mused. â€Å"That's not it,† I disagreed. Liar, Rosalie thought. â€Å"They don't understand why I can't leave you alone.† I said. Damn right I can't understand. She's a human. Rosalie thought with disgust. It's true bro, I can't really understand the appeal, but if it makes you happy then I got your back. Emmett contemplated. â€Å"Neither do I, for that matter.† Bella added on top of the already massive amounts of thoughts coming from my family over this conversation. I couldn't accept that she would consider something like that. Didn't she know that her beauty was one of a kind, inside and out? I've never meet a being quite like her before. I shook my head and rolled my eyes towards the ceiling, partially for her answer, and partially answering my family's thoughts. I looked back at Bella, â€Å"I told you ?C you don't see yourself clearly at all. You're not like anyone I've ever known. You fascinate me.† She glared at me with her furious kitten face again. I smiled at her face, â€Å"Having the advantages I do,† I mused, touching my forehead, â€Å"I have a better than average grasp of human nature. People are predictable. But you†¦ you never do what I expect. You always take me by surprise.† She looked away then, and back at my family. She looked†¦ embarrassed? Upset? I couldn't tell, â€Å"That part is easy enough to explain,† I added. I wished she would look my direction, â€Å"But there's more†¦ and it's not so easy to put into words-â€Å" What the hell are you thinking of saying to her, Edward? Rosalie then turned and glared at Bella. What is so special about this girl? Huh? I don't see it. She is so breakable and human. You just keep her around because she smells like the greatest snack you'll ever have! Rosalie continued to give Bella a fierce look. If you take a bite out of her this will hurt our whole family, you know that! I had it with her and I snarled under my breath. Whatever, nitwit. Rosalie turned her head then. Bella looked back at me then and I was relieved to see her face. She looked†¦ frightened? Was that possible? Did Bella even know what fear was? I was going to have to give Rosalie a good scolding later. â€Å"I'm sorry about that. She's just worried. You see†¦ it's dangerous for more than just me if, after spending so much time with you so publicly†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I didn't want to finish my sentence. I was hoping she wouldn't ask to hear the rest, but of course, she would want to know. â€Å"If?† â€Å"If this ends†¦ badly.† I put my head in my hands and tried to push the thought out of my head. Maybe she will finally see that this is serious. That I could†¦ gulp†¦ kill her at any moment. I could breathe her delectable scent in and one day the monster might break free from the darkness I put him in and decide to taste the delicious blood that I could see pulsing on her neck. I heard her drop her hand on the table. I kept trying to push those thoughts away, but then I took in a large gulp of her rich aroma. Instantly the monster reared up. I heard Bella's shaky voice then, â€Å"And you have to leave now?† The monster retreated then. â€Å"Yes,† wait, she wasn't†¦. scared? She still didn't want me to leave? I relaxed and couldn't help but look delighted, â€Å"It's probably for the best. We still have fifteen minutes of that wretched movie left to endure in Biology ?C I don't think I could take any more.† Bella gave me a look like she completely understood what I meant, she must have been feeling the same way about the dull movie, not like I was watching it anyways. It's time to meet Bella! Yay! Alice trilled in her mind. I could see the back of my head from her vision as she skipped over to the table. â€Å"Alice,† I said. â€Å"Edward,† she answered, and added, this is where you introduce us, in her thoughts. â€Å"Alice, Bella ?C Bella, Alice,† I introduced them, hoping that Alice won't start bugging me every five minutes about hanging out with her. I only barely obtained Bella, and I didn't want Alice to take all her time away from me. â€Å"Hello, Bella,† Alice smiled, â€Å"It's nice to finally meet you.† Once again I saw a vision of her and Bella arm in arm, smiling at each other, Bella's eyes bright, crimson red. I shot a dark look at her. â€Å"Hi, Alice,† Bella whispered shyly. â€Å"Are you ready?† Alice asked me. I didn't want to leave Bella, but I was more than happy to remove Alice from her, â€Å"Nearly, I'll meet you at the car.† I met Bella, yay. Edward, you know this means that we get to start hanging out right? Alice beamed. I glanced at Bella and as she watched Alice dance away. â€Å"Should I say ‘have fun,' or is that the wrong sentiment?† she asked, looking back at me. Her expression showed a painful emotion, like me leaving her for a short moment in time would cause her great pain. She was so nonchalant about talking about my world that I couldn't help but grin. â€Å"No, ‘have fun,' works as well as anything.† I said. â€Å"Have fun, then† she said, I could tell there was an edge to her voice. Was she going to miss me while I was away? Being separated from her was overwhelmingly painful, was she feeling this way too? She couldn't possibly grasp the concept of the kind of love I felt for her. â€Å"I'll try,† I continued to smile at her, â€Å"And you try to be safe, please.† â€Å"Safe in Forks ?C what a challenge.† â€Å"For you it is a challenge.† I hoped that she remembered my last request about her safety; that she stays out of the woods. â€Å"Promise.† I begged. If she put herself in harm's way or was hurt in any way because I wasn't there to protect her†¦ it would shattered my cold, silent, heart into pieces. â€Å"I promise to try to be safe,† she mused, â€Å"I'll do the laundry tonight ?C that ought to be fraught with peril.† If that were all she was going to do this evening, she should be safe. I remembered her incident in gym from the other day and grasped the concept that no matter what Bella was doing, there was always an opportunity for her to injure herself. The thought merely brought on an internal chuckle, though, and I teased, â€Å"Don't fall in.† â€Å"I'll do my best† she mocked. I stood then, wishing I didn't have to leave. Bella got up too. â€Å"I'll see you tomorrow,† she sighed. I was suddenly absorbed by my desires again. Maybe if I just lightly gripped her around the waist, I would only have to concentrate on the amount of pressure I used. No mistakes, I scolded myself. I suppressed a sigh. â€Å"It seems like a long time to you, doesn't it?† I asked. She nodded with a sullen expression. She was continually saying yes to me. â€Å"I'll be there in the morning,† I promised. The infatuation I had over touching her was winning my inner dispute. I longed to hold her in my arms, to be engulfed in her warmth. I was craving her touch, too. My body was burning with the yearning to possess her and before I knew it I had reached over and touched her face, lightly touching her cheekbone. Her scent was lingering between us and I took air in my lungs slowly, as if to make the burning and aching of my throat a more pleasurable experience. It wasn't, it was only a burning pain and I knew if I didn't turn away now I wouldn't stop at her face. I'd grab at her waist and bring my lips to hers. No mistakes, I yelled internally. I turned on my heel and strode swiftly from the room, even though my mind was begging me to turn around and take the girl into my arms and†¦ stop there! When I arrived at the car Alice was sitting on the hood, â€Å"You know, Carlisle could help you turn her,† Alice mused. I glared at her. â€Å"I will not take her life Alice!† â€Å"Sure fooled me, I thought I was going to have to drag you out of the lunch room with the visions that were flashing in my mind,† Alice said, â€Å"Now I'm super thirsty after all the imagines I saw,† she faux pouted. â€Å"Like I said, I won't end her life,† I eyed her evenly. â€Å"Like I said,† she mocked, â€Å"you should ask Carlisle. If you aren't biting her because you are afraid you will end her life, then why? To keep her human?† she looked at me in aversion, â€Å"but you know†¦ Carlisle won't kill her.† Alice continued. â€Å"Alice, Bella will not be turned into a vampire, the first one who tries will suffer the consequences!† I growled. â€Å"Okay, okay. Just a thought, Edward,† she looked unhappy. Alice got into the Volvo and we drove to Bella's. She'll be fine, you know? Her night looks extremely uneventful. She really needs to get out more†¦ Alice thought. â€Å"I know, being away from her just makes me extremely anxious,† I explained. â€Å"I know,† she trilled. We arrived at Bella's shortly. You'll find the key in her blue jeans downstairs in a blue laundry basket, Alice thought, figured I would save you some time. You would have found it eventually, of course, but this way you get out of there quicker. â€Å"Thanks, Alice,† I said, glad our little spat was patched up, or at least put behind us. â€Å"You're Welcome!† Alice said while she jumped in the driver's side of the Volvo and drove off towards our house. I was lurking inside Bella's house and found her truck key quickly. Her lingering scent was ever present throughout the house. I was breathing in deeper than I ever had before around the seductive scent, only because she wasn't here in the house. I was in no danger of hurting her when she wasn't here, I contemplated. So I took in another gulp of her perfume before I left the house, which I know I would regret later when I was hunting. I drove her truck back to the school; her aroma was stronger in here than in her house. I tried to distract my mind by musing over all the things I could upgrade on her truck before Bella got out of school. If Rosalie and I were on better terms I would have her do some work under the hood. This truck couldn't possibly be that safe. I grabbed a piece of paper out of my backpack and decided to write a note to Bella. I have a keep sake from her, she deserves to have one from me, too. I thought of what to write while I was driving (more like snail crawling) back to the school. I decided simple was safer. When I parked the truck I left the key in the ignition and wrote â€Å"Be Safe† on the white piece of paper. I left it in her seat. I checked to make sure there was no one looking and I speed off through the forest and back home. Alice was waiting on the doorstep for me. â€Å"Are you ready?† She trilled. â€Å"Yes, let's go.† We sprinted through the forest in silence for several miles. I knew it was safe to hunt when the only thoughts I heard were Alice's. She was thinking about what she was going to pick out for Rosalie to wear tomorrow, whether green and pink or black and pink would look better on her new design for a shirt, and which shoe would look better with Esme's pants, open toed or not. Her thoughts wondered every which fashionable way possible, and I was grateful. I didn't want her to bring Bella up. She had so many visions and images in her mind when it came to Bella, and I would never be ready to see some of those visions come to light. Her mind suddenly shifted to our purpose. She stopped suddenly and her eyes went blank. I saw flashes of a large animal in her thoughts but they were flashing and changing so rapidly I was unable to ascertain what she was seeing. Her eyes focused on me now; there is a bear 5 miles from here. Go north and follow the river, you will run into him in 8.2 miles. Alice smiled at me. â€Å"You know, Emmett will be jealous if I tell him you helped me catch a grizzly.† I grinned. â€Å"I know, but you need carnivore blood to help you out with tomorrow.† She smirked. â€Å"Meet you back here in 30?† I asked. You've got it! She was gone before she finished her thought. I ran north until I hit the river and followed it. I was letting the monster out of the cage, disengaging my ever flimsy hold on my growing thirst. The monster had been begging for release more than normal lately and I finally let my animal instincts take over. I thought of Bella's blood, and I was instantly ravenous. I came across a bear exactly 8.2 miles from my starting location. Alice really did have an amazing gift. The monster reared up and I let out a menacing growl. The bear stood on its hind legs and growled back unimpressively. I leapt towards the beast and quenched my thirst. I was right, Bella's scent and blood even made the bear's blood dull to the point of being dissatisfying. Bears were much more delicious then the deer I usually ate, but I had been exceedingly gluttonous with feeding since I met Bella, making my meals less than appetizing. When the animal was dry of its blood I pushed the carcass off me and breathed in the cold night air. I rejoined with Alice shortly after. â€Å"Are you going to Bella's tonight?† she asked. â€Å"Of course, Alice, why?† I stared at her suspiciously. â€Å"Oh, well, Jasper and Emmett have been missing you like crazy, I think I might have even seen Emmett pout the other night when you left so early,† she chortled. I didn't respond. I know that I had been spending an abundance of my time with Bella, but didn't they understand? They hardly leave their other half. That is what Bella had become though, my other half. â€Å"Please, Edward†¦ please,† she begged. I couldn't stand to see my little sister beg like this. I did owe my family a plenitude of my time after everything I had been putting them through lately. â€Å"Okay Alice, but just for the earlier hours of the evening,† I gave in. During the evening Jasper, Emmet, Alice and myself decided that we were going to play cards. With the many talents my family members have, you would think that playing cards would be ludicrous. Jasper would be feeling the triumph or failure emitting from a card player, Alice would see future moves that you were going to make, and I could hear their thoughts. We didn't play games where we had to use our brains though. The card games we played were strictly speed based. With our vampire speed we tore through every deck of cards. Jasper and Emmet loved to gamble, and our games wouldn't be the same without a bet. Because of their constant opposition, Esme made us move our game outside before Emmett broke anymore furniture. Rosalie was still fuming about the situation with Bella, but even she couldn't hold herself up in the garage anymore and came to play. After 79 decks of cards, 2 broken tables, 1 broken vase, 1 ripped shirt (Jaspers), and 3 trees knocked down, we decided that we had ca used enough destruction. I did get pleasure from the time spent during the evening with my siblings. My regular moping had abruptly wilted away after I came back from Denali. I could tell that my family was enjoying the new Edward, the less mummy-like Edward. Something told me they didn't want the sulky one back again, which just gave me another excuse to stay with Bella. Time passed slowly, even with the fun I was having with my family. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 10pm. I quickly stood up, ready to leave and watch Bella sleep. Emmett looked up at me and gave me a pleading look. Come on bro, we are about to play some serious football. Jasper and I have come up with some new rules; you have to catch the ball with your elbows only. Come on, it will be hilarious! Emmett begged. Plus I have a bet that†¦ he continued, but I interrupted him. â€Å"Emmett, I'm sorry†¦ maybe another time. It makes me uneasy to be away from her, you understand, right?† Emmett scoffed and I grinned, â€Å"I knew you would understand!† When I arrived at Bella's, she was already asleep. Any normal teenager would have been out with friends, going on a date, or shopping†¦ but not my Bella. When I finally climbed through her window, I heard music playing. I was instantly intrigued. It was Chopin's Nocturnes. Once again, we shared a common interest. I knew this CD well. As I stepped closer to her, the scent that had almost taken me the first time we met entered my lungs and I felt like succumbing to the monster inside. She turned over once, and I heard her sigh my name. The clawing monster was instantly diminished. She didn't move much after that, and she even lightly snored. I sat in the rocking chair breathing her scent in deeply. I was fighting all of my cravings tonight. She looked absolutely beautiful with her hair splayed across her face and pillow. Her pink cheeks lightly flushed. How long was I going to be able to suppress my growing desires to touch her? I knew that our trip to the meadow would either be our breaking or making point. Would she leave alive, or would she leave a vampire? I won't end her life, I promised myself. Tomorrow, of all the days I had spent with Bella, would be the one day I would not be allowed to make a mistake. I repeated, no mistakes, to myself for good measure. I suppressed a sigh. I honestly don't know if I will ever really leave her alone, but I would like to think that after tomorrow, I will have a plan. When it started to get light outside I decided to leave, realizing Charlie would be up soon to go fishing. I was leaning over Bella, taking in her scent one last time before I left, and suddenly my hand was at her face lightly caressing. I pulled away immediately and flew out the window. I decided that before I took Bella to the meadow, I needed to see Alice. Her visions were versatile lately. My future was a mystery and I wanted reassurance that Bella would come home to Charlie alive and unharmed. I knew what my decisions would be, but these new cravings were taking over. How many times had I reached out and touched Bella, not even realizing it until my hand was warming from her skin. Alice greeted me at the door, â€Å"Edward, I know you are worried, let me show you what I see. There was one outcome where you bite Bella and she becomes a vampire, hum†¦ but that one has become distant and fuzzy. This clearer vision shows you and Bella laying in the meadow, and my last vision shows you bringing her home safely.† Alice showed me mentally. I had a lump in my throat as I tried to thrust the first vision from my mind. That lump continued to grow as I began panicking. I didn't know how to ask, but I had to ask for her help. Before I could request her help, Alice answered, â€Å"I will be close by Edward. I won't let anything happen to Bella.† I love her too, doesn't he realize this! â€Å"Thanks, Alice.† I whispered. I swiftly rose up the stairs to prepare myself for our new journey together.